Hospital Construction Company | KR Wolfe News & Announcements

KR Wolfe Goes Digital and Welcomes Our Own Employee App

Written by Rachel Wolfe | June 18, 2018

It is exciting times here at KR Wolfe. We as a company are continuing to grow at a fast pace and with this growth comes new challenges that must be addressed. One of the more pressing challenges of KR Wolfe is the need to make every employee feel more appreciated, involved, and in the know of what is going on. Trust us, we get it. Being on the road as much as any field member is, makes it difficult to stay in touch with their own family, let alone the company happenings and news. We know this, and we want to fix it because every employee is important and deserves to not only be included but to feel like they have a voice.

This App is step 1 of many steps that we hope will result in, increased employee satisfaction, feeling more connected, and part of KR Wolfe’s big picture, OUR picture. We want everyone to know what we are doing, why we are doing it, how they can contribute to it and more importantly how it will benefit their long-term success.

The app itself is powered and built by a company called StaffConnect. They work with many companies just like ours across the world. Their goal is simply to connect more employees and open up corporate communication. Anytime you want to view what is going on with KR Wolfe, whether you have an Android or iPhone, Mac or PC, tablet or phone it’s always there.

The app will deliver important company news, OSHA safety tips, employee highlights, project highlights, a library of important employee reference documents, company surveys, company events and more. It also allows all employees to look up general contact information on each other, chat directly within the app as one on one or in a group setting, and finally have the ability to create, comment & like posts for all to see.

Every employee from the President Rachel Wolfe and down will be given access to the app and be expected to be an active participant on it. We really think this is going to help us as a company in so many ways and can’t wait to see everyone using and engaging on it.